Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Tear in Your Hand"

Jeff pointed me to the fact that Neil Gaiman was recently a guest on the Nerdist Podcast. Neil mentions a story about Adam Savage and some tampons backstage at w00stock. He also mentions it during this interview and gets Adam to re-enact that magical moment. Pure Awesomeness. But back to the point. At some point late in the interview, when giving tips on how to be a writer Neil says that you must write all the time. Not just when you are feeling inspired. If you write when you are feeling inspired, you might end up as a half decent poet; but you will never be a novelist. So I'm writing this little entry, and then it's back to the editing desk to work on a stream of consciousness piece about dreams that I am trying to turn into something readable. Wish me luck.

May the Hodgman be with you.

And also with you.

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