Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Last summer I watched the fireworks from small town PA. They were launched above Lake Wallenpaupak. This year I watched the display above Fairfax High School close to home. They were both much bigger and better displays than I would have guessed. By the end of both, I was actually clapping, and amazed at the volume and total awesomeatude. I thought that I would be jaded by my years of watching the Capitol Fourth display over the Washington Monument. Turns out that explosions in the sky are awesome. Mark that down as a lesson learned I guess. Another lesson: when you are close enough to get ash falling on you, you are close enough.


hemisphire said...

My family used to watch those from Van Dyke Park. Watching them on the lake while they go off all around you, like we did this year, is pretty cool.

Unknown said...

I should have gone to Van Dyke. Traffic getting out of the High School was no picnic.