Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"A Quick One While He's Away"

I have thrown out my back and am on some good pain killers. I am currently kneeling in from of my computer at work because I can't sit. I have lots to blog about, but am in no frame of mind to do so.

So I offer a brief respite from the working day. Try this excellent civics quiz. It will make your gears grind, but you'll feel better by the end of it I bet. I did. The table on how college freshmen and seniors did on this test is very interesting.

I got 48 out of 60 correct for 80%. A C+ or B- at best, but in comparison to the college kids who just finished taking it, I am a freakin' genius and I know you will be too.

More later, I promise, but for now, just keep my back in your prayers.


Dave Y said...

"You answered 49 out of 60 correctly — 81.67 %"

Five of the 11 I missed were in the last 10 questions - I have a faulty grasp of national-level economics.

Maren said...

Man, I'm not even posting my score. Do you know how long it's been since I actually studied this stuff? I'm lucky I didn't fail it altogether. I kept second-guessing myself, which accounted for most of my wrong answers. Yeah, the gears were grinding, which was fun, but then I got my score and that wasn't so much fun.

Hope your back recovers soon- I've been there and it's very bad. Prayers and sympathy.