Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Turn Over a New Leaf"

A little over two months ago it was my birthday. I turned thirty-five and had a lot of things change in the last year or so. Little things changed, like I have a new car and a new phone. New to me, both of them are used, but still upgrades for me. Big things changed as well, I ended my long term relationship and have been single for a little over a year now. I've been maintaining a new blog for ten months: 1001 Days of Music, where I am slowly but surely working my way through the entire 1001 songs you must hear before you die book. I'm also working on a web comic with a few friends. That one is taking off a lot slower that originally imagined, but every time there is progress it feels great. I hope to have something to show soon.  I've submitted written pieces to several online and printed anthologies, and been rejected every time, but it's been great writing again. I started running a game again, which I haven't done in a number of years, and it's great too. A friend of mind started a board game group about fourteen months ago and that's become such a regular part of my week that I feel bad when I miss it. My really big news, and the reason I didn't publish this a month ago near my birthday is that I finally have a new job. I've been working multiple part time jobs to make ends meet for a couple of years now, and I finally started my new job earlier this month. I'm still working at one of the part time jobs as well, so I've never been busier, but it feels good to be working again. Thanks to all for your well wishes, hopes, prayers, leads, and overall support during the last few years.

1 comment:

Joy Johnson said...

Hey, Bravo on the new job. Sorry, I know you don't know me, but I stumbled across your blog, read the entry and thought quite simply, Bravo! :) I'm a writer too. I can sympathize with the whole rejection letter thing. I've only been querying agents for a few days now, but I have already gotten a few rejections. I salute you for your positive attitude about it all.
Joy Johnson