Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Blue in Green"


So this was supposed to be a posting months and months ago about A Monster's Notes by Laurie
Sheck and The Man who was Thursday by Chesterton. But I put it off for so long that I now remember very little of either, just general senses of both. Also, for the first time, I don't know why I have titled the post the way I did. From the beginning I have attempted to make the title of the post be a song that connects with the post in some way; but even though I saved this title and noted to myself that it was supposed to be about those two books, I am without a thought as to why. So have fun with it. At least it's a classic of the genre.

A Monster's Notes was really challenging. I loved it, but it was hard. It made me work. It reminded me of the hardest parts of The Sound and The Fury. What if The Monster was real and it visited Mary Shelly in her youth? And It didn't really like the way it was portrayed in her book? And it was all written in letters and poems? Really a tough one for me, but I appreciated the challenge.

The Man Who Was Thursday was awesome. I don't remember specifically why I think that, other than I loved the story and the characters. It would make an interesting play or film I think. It is very short, and well worth a borrow from the library if not a purchase from a used book store.

No promises as to what the next post will be, or when, I have a bad track record when I say I'm going to do something. So see you soon. Maybe.


Jeff said...

Hm. I get Frankenstein's monster being sad about being green (though the green-skin thing was apparently a mistake of some kind [Kermit?]) and traces of envy in Chesterton's story. But who knows the depth of mystery to your titling?

Cool that Sheck kept it epistolary!

Unknown said...

Yo yo yo, what! You know my girl Sheck gots to keep it epistolary fool! For reals bro, for reals.