Thursday, October 20, 2011

"I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter"


The National Council of Teachers of English started The National Day on Writing in 2009 in an attempt to focus attention on how important writing is in our lives. The U.S. Senate passed a resolution declaring today to be The National Day on Writing. So why do you write? Not 'why is it important that people write so I have something to read', but why do you write?

I write because I want to be a writer. I write because I set a goal for myself to write something everyday and I haven't missed a day since I started my new blog August 1st. I write because in an interview, Neil Gaiman said don't wait for inspiration, write something every day; otherwise you may write a half decent poem one day, but you'll never write a good book. I write because on days I don't look for a job, or exercise, I can still feel like I deserve some of the love and support I get because 'I wrote something today'. I write because sometimes I treat myself to coffee out if I've been good. I write because otherwise all I'd do on the computer is work and Reddit. I write because I have stories in my head and I want other people to hear them. I write because my friends give me suggestions and because I've had an idea rolling around in my head since high school. I write because it is the best part of my day.

Why do you write?

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