Monday, October 1, 2007

"Sexy Back"

They denied my workers comp claim.

I injured myself on the job a few weeks back. I missed 2 and a half days, and went to the doctor. And they denied the claim today. Apparently Virginia was never going to pay for those 20 hours anyway, they don't start paying till day 8 of missed work, but this does mean that I have to pay the doctor.

Oh well. It's not like I'm having tax problems or anything. Oh wait, yes I am. Virginia says I owe them thousands of dollars in back taxes for 2003. Great. I'm sure I have that sitting in a box somewhere with my formerly working spine.

Later, when I'm in a better mood, there will be answers to the quiz, and tales of my adventures in southern Virginia where I did not see a fox, but I did have a lot of fun. Maybe I'll have better luck when I head west this coming weekend.

1 comment:

Dave Y said...

Bummer! (also about your back)